By using the website:, it means that you notice and accept the following terms:
1. All the bags and wallets on are replicas, not originals. They are for novelty purpose only. We guarantee that they are 100% brand new and look and smell 99.9% to the real ones.
2. We offer 30 days return guarantee only for quality problem. If there is quality problem, you can send it back to us for exchange or refund. You pay the shipping fee from you to us and We pay the shipping fee from us to you. If there is no quality problem and you also want to change one or cancel the order after we send out the bags, you need to pay all the shipping fees, including the shipping fee from us to you twice. That is to say, you need to pay the shipping fees three times, including the first shipment from us to you. The shipping fees from us to the following countries: To Singapore, Australia, Newland --- $30; to USA, Canada $40; to European countries: $50.
3. Any information submitted to our site remains confidential forever. Information we collect is your name, shipping address, phone number, email address, referral e-mail addresses. The data is stored in a secured database and can only be accessed through the Webmaster with personal coded information. If you want the information to be corrected or removed you can email us at .
4. All the bags and wallets are sold at the prices on the website. We do not talk about the prices with customers. We have our discount policies and discounted on sale items. If you want us to sell the bags/wallets at lower prices, we can reduce the prices for you, but do not offer guarantees such as the safety on the way, quality returns, etc. For instance, if there is some defects on the bag, we do not accept returns. If the packages are damaged or lost on the way, we do not reship. In that case, if you do not need these guarantees, we can reduce the prices for you to some extent. While for the on sale items on our website, we still offer guarantees.
If there is any problem, please contact us at .